Legal Info

Legal Info
Business name EX TOOLS JAPAN
Director of Operations Hiroaki Gunji

534-25 Koteyama Utsunomiya Tochigi 3213235 JAPAN 

TEL 09025564479
Email address
Sales price The amount displayed on the product page (excluding tax)
Import duties, VAT and other taxes, and fees associated with them are not included in the item price or shipping charges. You need to pay when the package is delivered.
Incidental expenses other than the product price Shipping cost : It will be displayed when ordering.
Payment method Credit Cards/Google Pay/Apple Pay/PayPal
Time of payment Credit card: At the time of billing by your credit card company
Google Pay/Apple Pay/PayPal: At the time of billing by the credit card company registered in each account.
Time of delivery of products Within 10 business days after order placement, excluding weekends and holidays
Return policy and conditions If you wish to return or exchange an item, please contact us in advance by email within 1 week after delivered.
We do not accept returns or exchanges in the following cases.
1) It passed 1 week after delivered.
2) Sale items - Returned for the customer's convenience (wrong image, wrong size, wrong order, etc.)
3) Other items with obvious signs of use (e.g. In the event that you have any questions or comments, please do not hesitate to contact us.)