Q. Where are items in this shop shipped from?
All items are shipped from Japan.

Q. Are customs duties included in the product price?
No, it is not included.
If you need to pay any custom duties and others, the shipping company will charge on behalf of your country when the item will be delivered.

Q. Can I specify a shipping company?
No, you cannot specify a shipping company.

Q. I want to cancel my order.
Please note that we basically cannot accept order cancellations after the order has been shipped.
If you wish to cancel your order before it is shipped, please contact us using the inquiry form.

Q. I forgot to enter the coupon code. Can I apply it later?
For system reasons, coupon codes cannot be applied to orders after payment has been completed.

Q. I want to change my payment method.
You cannot change the payment method after the payment is completed. Please understand this in advance.

Q. Can I have items shipped together?
Yes, you can. Simply place the items you wish to ship together in the same cart and make the payment. We will send the items to the same destination even if they were purchased in separate carts, as long as they have not been shipped yet.

Q. Can I have my order shipped within Japan?
Delivery is for overseas only. We cannot ship within Japan.